
Related articles before publication of this article not included in the research:

The Education Wars
The American Prospect - March 20, 2009 

" The Broad Effect": Part 1
The Perimeter Primate - March 9, 2010 

The Broad Effect: Part 2
The Perimeter Primate - March 10, 2010 

The Battle for Seattle - Part 1
Seattle Education - December 1, 2010
The is a muti-part series about the Broad Foundation. Links to the next part are at the bottom of each part.

Education and the Structural Crisis of Capital
Monthly Review - July-August, 2011 

Got Dough? How Billionaires Rule Our Schools
Dissent - Winter 2011 

When billionaire businessmen take over public education
Educating South Carolina - January 24, 2012 

In the City of Corporate Love and Beyond: The Boston Consulting Group, Gates, and the Filthy Rich
The Common Errant - May 18th, 2012 

Does the Public Have a Right to Know about Broad Academy?
Diane Ravich's blog - July 27th, 2012

Who Is Behind the Privatization of Education: Gates, Broad, KIPP, Pearson, WestEd & The Gulen Schools 
Labor Video - August 5, 2012

Berkley Schools, the Billionaires, and the New Superintendent (News Analysis)
The Berkley Daily Planet - September 6, 2012 

On school reform: Broad's misleading response to critics

The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post - September 11, 2012 

Teachers Deserve This 'Thank You'
HuffPost Los Angeles - November 15, 2012 
(This column was written by Eli Broad and Andy Stern in response to the sell-out contract which established merit pay in Newark, New Jersey. See the end ot the article.)